Monday 18 May 2009

Finshed my first ATC

I finished my first ATC, well nearly i have to put it all together but it looks really good, if i so say so myself, i cant show a picture of it yet until Janet gets it for her birthday in June, but i really need t get t in the post as its going to Malaysia and it takes a week for a first class postcard to get from Edinburgh to Yorkshire!
Now I am going to try and design my next ATC that i have to do for Kate, that is if it doesn't look crap, if it does i will just find a chart, i also need to find a chart to stitch for the Lizzie Kate exchange, but it s so hard stitching for somebody when you don't know what they like, then i have to figure out how to finish it!, not something i am good at to be honest


CindyMae said...

They are very addictive aren't they? Can not wait to see them!!!!

Janet C said...

Thanks for completing the stitching. Can't wait to receive it! ;)